Health customized Mag ‘Alimento & Equilíbrio’

'Alimento & Equilíbrio' is the first publication of BRAFIC. It was produced by ILSI Brasil and had a print run of 10,000 copies that are being distributed by shareholding companies, to consumers, health professionals, scientists and other influencers in the areas of nutrition, health and food production. The magazine also had the support of institutions such as sbCTA, ABRAN, ITAL and SBAN. The publication was highly praised by professionals from different areas.

"A magazine designed to bring scientific information in an accurate and uncomplicated way to consumers, health professionals, scientists and other influencers in the areas of nutrition, health and food production."

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Science and Health

The Customized Magazine Alimento & Equilíbrio was conceived to bring scientific information in a precise and uncomplicated way to consumers, health professionals, scientists and other influencers in the areas of nutrition, health and food production.

The publication was commissioned by BRAFIC, the Brazilian branch of IFIC (The International Food Information Council), an international institute with the mission of communicating scientific information on health, nutrition and food safety to the public.

Produced by the NGO ILSI, the magazine had a circulation of 10,000 copies, being edited by Vitamina Conteúdo.

Siamo Studio was responsible for the graphic design, art direction, infographics and layout, exploring a wide range of graphic and visual resources to further enhance the quality and consumption experience of the content.

We bet on illustration as a resource for different articles and interviews, exploring a variety of traits and styles. In addition to its aesthetic effect, this resource helped to communicate in a more effective and playful way contexts that would be difficult to portray otherwise.


As for photographic production, Ana Megda – partner and creative director of Estúdio Siamo – worked in pre-production and photographic art direction, exploring portraits, productions set in studios and productions within food companies.

The result of all this effort is a publication filled with rich content, well-founded and presented in an instigating and purposeful way to the reader. With free distribution, the project was highly praised at its launch ceremony and later by professionals and specialists in the sector.

For those who want to check out the digital version of Revista Alimento & Equilíbrio in its entirety, click here.

A publication full of scientific information, well-founded and presented in an exciting way to the readers, mixing different visual elements such as illustrations, infographics and photography.

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Year: 2016
Client: ILSI Brasil
Art Direction: Ana Paula Megda
Desig: Gabriela Oliveira
Copywritingg: Vitamina
Cover Photograph: Roberto Seba